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Education Planning

Education unlocks knowledge that empowers us to improve the world and ourselves. A strong education builds a foundation for future success. Let Diversified Financial Solutions help you develop a personalized plan to invest in your child’s education and pave the way for a bright and secure future.

Education Planning for Your Child’s Future

Plan Wisely, Save Savvy: Your Guide to Education Funding. Investing in your child’s education is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. But navigating the complexities of college planning, trade schools, and even overseas options can feel overwhelming. As your trusted financial advisor, I’m here to help you chart a clear path towards your educational goals. Whether it’s exploring saving strategies, scholarship opportunities, or loan options, I’ll provide personalized guidance to ensure a bright future for your child – no matter where their educational journey takes them.

The path towards a brighter future often starts within the classroom. But navigating the financial complexities of college savings plans, scholarships, and student loans can be daunting. That’s where I come in. As your financial advisor, I specialize in educational planning strategies that align with your family’s unique needs and goals. Together, we can build a roadmap that balances affordability with your child’s aspirations, giving them the foundation to achieve their full potential.

Education Planning
Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life.

Planning for an education will minimize the overall cost associated with this large expense, and ensure you don’t end up with unexpected debt and loans.


This includes the following elements:

  • 529 College Plans
  • UTMAs
  • Coverdell Education Savings Accounts
  • Boomin’ Future – Greg Sundahl, College Admissions & Financial Aid Consultant

Time to diversify your future

Schedule your Education Planning consultation today!